These photos were taken using my Canon EF 70-200mm lens with the Kenko 2x teleconverter. The first one at focal length of 280mm and the 2nd one at full 400mm.
The photo did not turn out as good as I have expected, but here it is anyway...Canon EOS 20D, Shooting Date/Time 3/19/2007 6:27:31 PM, Shooting Mode Aperture-Priority AE, Shutter Speed 1/20, Aperture Value 4.5, ISO 200, Lens 10.0 - 22.0 mm, Focal Length 10.0 mm, Flash Off, White Balance Mode Auto
The BSP Vendor Forum was held at the Plenary Hall, ICC on 14th March 2007. I attended as a member of the Plenary Panel for the Q&A Session at the end of the Forum.
If someone ask me how I feel for the past few days, I think this photo best represent my feelings. But I look at things positively. I'm glad that I can still keep my head above water and I can still breathe.
One of my first raw photo, processed by Bruneian, is now used in a travel agency's web. You will also see Jewelle's photo of Sg Liang Recreation Park in another page of the same website.
I've been tagged by bro Marul but for the last few days I can't think of weird things about myself. Isn't that in itself weird? After much self-seeking, I came up with these:
I've donated blood more than 7 times but I'm actually not blood friendly i.e. on 2 occasions I nearly fainted due to the smell and sight of blood. Once was when I stopped to see whether I can help in a road accident and the other when a buffalo was being slaughtered for korban.
I no longer have the patience to finish a whole movie. If I'm watching vcd movie, I can't even finish watching one vcd.
I sleep with the tv on. The moment it is switched off, I'll immediately wake up and cannot sleep after that.
Even with the tv on, I still have a sleep cycle for the whole year or should I say sleep season. I'll have cycle/season where I cannot sleep more than 3-4 hours per night and another cycle/season where I will sleep not less than 6 hours. The worse thing is I feel like a zombie during the day when I slept more than 6 hours but full of energy when I slept not more than 4 hours.
I have even worse sleepless nights if I sleep elsewhere other than my own bed, hence don't like staying in a hotel.
I'll suffer jetlag even after a 2 hours flight.
I know the rules said I must tag 6 people in turn but I'll sleep over it... if I can sleep.