Friday, 5 January 2007

Sunset@Meragang Beach

Despite losing my way as usual, I really had a good time capturing the sunset at Meragang Beach with Bruneian, Ucingitam and ZadM. It was only until I arrived home in KB around 11.30 pm and uploaded my photos that I realised that it didn't turn out well for me. My camera sensor played havoc again as you can see in the photo below. Argggggghhhhhhh!!!!! Really disappointed with myself that despite all the nice shots, the numerous dots really spoils the view.
Fortunately the ones taken at the end of the sunset turned out well because the darkness has hidden the dots.
First thing tomorow morning is to clean the sensor as I have a photoshoot in my wife's classroom tomorrow, capturing her pupils in their 3rd day in school.

creepy, crawly, curler

it was creeping
and crawling on a vertical wall
but the moment it was touched, it curled up into a ball shape. Wonderful self defence!