If you are into orchids, as I am, head down to No.33 Jalan Pasai 1 on Wednesdays, and you will be able to purchase orchids that had just arrived from Thailand. Reasonably priced, compared to buying from the tamu.
Just when I thought I was on the way to full recovery, I had a major setback. Since Monday 17th Sept, I was back to square one. The pain this time is even worse then before and I tried to not think of it by going on with my daily life... it didn't help. I'm now on medical leave again till 28th September. Everyday I wake up hoping the pain will fly away.
This photo was taken during an outing with Meo in the parking lot of Panaga Club in Seria.
I attended this ceremony on behalf of my Head of Department and as a participant. I did not expect to win anything when I saw the photos submitted for the competition...but I was most disappointed that both my photos were not displayed in the exhibition at all. (After making inquiries, I was later informed that the printer were not able to open the folders containing my photos and therefore not able to reprint them. I'm lost for words!)
Airbiscuit, I saw your giant ant and it was smiling at me!
Alhamdulillah, I'm on my way to recovery. Most of the pain has gone but from experience it will take another 3 to 4 weeks before I will fully recover. Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Any outings? Let me know. I'll try to join if I can.