I've been thinking a lot lately about how to get on with my life... more like refreshing my life. No, I'm not thinking of having an affair or anything like that. I was thinking of getting a new job... something different from what I'm doing. I was at first thinking of venturing into business but then maybe I will not be a good businessman. So I decided to apply for a new job. Not sure what the outcome will be but now I'm really nervous. Hopefully I can sleep well till I know the outcome. In the meantime, have to prepare myself for the interview, if any... But then have to think of what are the likely questions first.
c180k, banar kah nie?
I like the shots...
Yang mana satu? The job application or the shots? Well, re the job application banar plang but cannot share details yet. Lau ada resultnya nanti barutah cerita lagi.
D - Husini is applying for the vacant Charlton Manager spot heheh, kan Husini? Just mention your prolific scoring records - i heard a lot from Asri and Emran about your football history, macam nistelrooy ani wah heheh
hahaha. jgn catu eh. masa muda tu. ani sdh ruptured archilles tendon, jalan pun timpang.
wow..steady main bola nie..saaat2 kegemilangan...
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