Thursday 4 January 2007

cicak, man...

I met these 2 guys at the Shahbandar Recreation Park


Aunidayini Hisyamuddin said...

Still give me the creeps whenever I see these guys. I used to dissect the cousins ( house lizards) in my chordates class, back in my 2nd year undergrads. I was actually crying..while dissecting.. kana ketawakan oleh our lecturer "gali kali ah" I told him. . But amazingly the cousins have the most perfect heart.. macam yang arah valentines atu... The other day I saw 3 of the ones in your photo trying to get to my entrance .. I had to call my amah to get rid of them... LOL!!!and I call myself a biologist!!! hehehe...

thrumyeyes said...

hahaha at least you've done it. never done such thing in my studies, maklum art student. these two gus were very friendly and posed for me that day. i've taken more than a dozen photos of each.

EmmaGoodEgg said...

Husini, arrgghh. ARRGGHH! xx